Wednesday 6 April 2011

Committee Meeting 05.04.2011

Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn PFA
Minutes: 06.04.2011.
6.30 School Library.

Committee meeting before the AGM

Jon Rose, Helen Booth, Tracy Harrison-Little, Mr Mcloy, Luke, Mary Moss, Judith Robertshaw, Mike Robertshaw, Terri Larkin.
Apologies.  Nick Audley, Jan Kench, Greg’s Mum.

Minutes Read Through and Agreed.
Easter Egg Raffle. Well underway with the 6th Form managing the whole event.
Helen presented the Esme Fairburn Application Forms to Mary for her to pass on to the Fund Raising member of Staff. Preliminary application to be made ASAP.
Facebook was discussed and it was stated that the facebook pages would have to explain how to become a member. Jon and Helen to do this.
Dragon Festival Discussed. Carried over to next meeting. Helen to look into the logistics and  possible income stream. Luke to look into Key Fob Idea

The Music Event was discussed in great detail. Great success, which highlighted the effect that the children would have if they became more active with the PFA.

Money requested for Prize Giving and Cheque Written.
Banks to be given the go ahead tomorrow. 06.04.2011.

Next Meeting.  May10th Reading room 7.30pm

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