Monday, 9 May 2011

The Giving Machine

All you need to do is register and then start shopping. Everything you buy off the internet will turn into cash for the school..

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn PFA
School Library 7.30pm.

Mr Mcloy. Jon Rose. (Chair). Tracy Harrison Little.(Treasurer), Helen Booth, (Secretary), Mike Robertshaw, Judith Robertshaw, Terri Larkin, Luke Maddocks, Mary Moss, Helen Pullman Slater, Susan Bain, Lucy Buchannan, Alanda,

Nick Audley and Jan Kench.
Minutes of 2010 Read and Approved by 1. Mike Robertshaw and 2.Judith Robertshaw. No Matter Arising.

Presidents Report. Mr. Mcloy.
Mr Mcloy spoke of the huge changes that were taking place in education generally and how it has affected the school. The Transforming Education Agenda has proven to be successful but costly. The future security of the school existence is secure, but new intake figures are low. But this he said was mainly due to a small Year 6 group. He hopes that next year’s intake will be higher. The school is expanding the curriculum to offer more subjects to the pupils. He talked about the arrangements with Cardigan College in particular.
The Drama Block is an exciting new building, which will alleviate the overcrowding and should attract more pupils to the excellent Drama, English and Music Departments.
Also Excellent News about the £60K received to renovate the School Toilets.
He informed us of the New Confucius Status that the School had recently been awarded. The Only school in Wales to be given the accolade.
The School Council is thriving and should maybe be invited the PFA meetings.
He did finish by stating that although the budgets have been cut, the staffing levels have been maintained and there should be no detrimental effects to the education of the children.
The School Digital presence was discussed and holes were found in both the website and the email system. This is something that needs to be addressed. Mary Moss did say that a Staff member was to do something about this and she would let us know who and how it could all be tied up to work as a whole.
Alanda did ask what was being done to promote the school to the year ^ children and if anything else could be done to woo the parents. This will be discussed in more detail at a PFA Meeting.

Treasurers Report. Tracy Harrison Little.
The Accounts have a healthy balance of Approx £3366.00. Mr Mcloy suggested that this be left until the new building is finished.

Chairs Report. Jon Rose.
Events of the previous year were highlighted and discussed. Peter Pan, Parents Evenings, Pony Club, School Bay, Newsletter and the new digital presence.
 The main problem in 2010 was attracting new members and working around the new build.
Special thanks were extended to Terri, who has worked incredibly hard for the PFA and has now decided to step down as a committee member. She will be greatly missed.
Also Thanks were expressed to Mary Moss for her 20years of dedicated service to the PFA
Also Thanks to Josh and Hannah. Pupils of the school who gave up their time to help at various events.

Committee Member Elected.

Chairman.            Jon Rose.                                      1st. Mike Robertshaw. 2nd. Mary Moss
Treasurer            Tracy Harrison Little.    1st Judith Robertshaw 2nd Mike Robertshaw
Secretary            Helen Booth                                    1st Mary Moss            2nd Mike Robertshaw

Jon extended his gratitude to all involved on the PFA and welcomed the New Faces. It was also suggested that the next Meeting should be a BRING A FRIEND meeting. The PFA decided to try and forge new links with the 6th Form and the School Council and continue to promote the organisation through facebook and the Blog.
Jon remains enthusiastic and hopes that the next School year will be busier, more successful and dynamic.

Committee Meeting 05.04.2011

Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn PFA
Minutes: 06.04.2011.
6.30 School Library.

Committee meeting before the AGM

Jon Rose, Helen Booth, Tracy Harrison-Little, Mr Mcloy, Luke, Mary Moss, Judith Robertshaw, Mike Robertshaw, Terri Larkin.
Apologies.  Nick Audley, Jan Kench, Greg’s Mum.

Minutes Read Through and Agreed.
Easter Egg Raffle. Well underway with the 6th Form managing the whole event.
Helen presented the Esme Fairburn Application Forms to Mary for her to pass on to the Fund Raising member of Staff. Preliminary application to be made ASAP.
Facebook was discussed and it was stated that the facebook pages would have to explain how to become a member. Jon and Helen to do this.
Dragon Festival Discussed. Carried over to next meeting. Helen to look into the logistics and  possible income stream. Luke to look into Key Fob Idea

The Music Event was discussed in great detail. Great success, which highlighted the effect that the children would have if they became more active with the PFA.

Money requested for Prize Giving and Cheque Written.
Banks to be given the go ahead tomorrow. 06.04.2011.

Next Meeting.  May10th Reading room 7.30pm

Friday, 18 March 2011



The name of the Association shall be Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn Parents and Friends Association (PFA).
The object of the PFA is to advance the education of the pupils in the school.
In furtherance of this object the PFA may:

(a)    Develop more extended relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school.

(b)   Engage in activities which support the school and advance the education of the pupils attending it. 

(c)    Provide and assist in the provision of such facilities of items for education at the school not provided from statutory funds as the Committee in consultation with the Governing Body shall from time to time determine.
The PFA shall be non-party political and non sectarian.
The PFA shall take out Public Liability and Personal Accident Insurance to cover its meetings and activities, Officers and Committee.
The PFA may appoint a President.
The names of the Vice Presidents, if any, shall be submitted at the Annual General Meeting. (These are usually people the PFA wish to honour).
Membership shall consist of all parents and/or guardians of pupils attending the school; and all teachers and friends of the school.
The management of the PFA shall be vested in a Committee of 18 consisting of the following officers: Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, parents, governors, members of staff, and friends of the school.
The Officers and Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve until the commencement of the next A.G.M.
One third of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a maximum of 5 persons.
The Committee may appoint sub-committees, as it deems necessary, and shall prescribe their function provided all acts and proceedings of such sub­committees shall be reported to the full Committee as soon as possible, and provided further that no such sub-committee shall expend the funds of the PFA otherwise than in accordance with a budget agreed by the full Committee.
Committee meetings shall be held at least once each term where possible before a Governors meeting, at such times and places as the Committee shall direct.
The Chairperson shall have the casting vote when there are equal numbers of votes for and against the resolution.
The Annual General Meeting will be held in Spring. At the A.G.M. the Chair shall be taken by the Chairman, or in his/her absence the designated Vice Chairperson of the Committee.
At the first Committee meeting following the A.G.M. the Committee shall have the power to elect Officers from among its members for vacancies not filled at the A.G.M.
Nominations shall be proposed and seconded by members, and should have the consent of the nominee. Nominations may be made at any time prior to the commencement of the A.G.M. Those Committee members wishing to stand again must declare their intentions to the Secretary before the A.G.M.
The Committee may fill casual vacancies by co-option until the next Annual General Meeting.
An auditor who is not a member of the Committee shall audit the books of the PFA annually.
Special General Meetings may be called at the written request of a minimum of 20 members.
Thirty days notice shall be given of any Special General Meetings to all members of the PFA.
The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping account of all Income and Expenditure and shall present a financial report to all committee meeting, and shall present the accounts duly audited for approval by the members at the A.G.M.
Bank Accounts shall be operated in the name of the PFA and withdrawals shall be made on the signature of any two officers of the PFA.
The financial year shall commence on 1st April.
Any matter not provided for in the Constitution and concerning the organisation and activities of the PFA shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be final.
The decisions on all educational matters are the prerogative of the Head Teacher, the staff of the school and the Governing Body.

The PFA shall support the culture and language of Wales, but the administration and business shall be conducted in English.
No alterations to this Constitution may be made except at the Annual General Meeting, or a Special General Meeting called for this purpose. No amendments or alterations shall be made without prior permission of the Charities Commission to clauses 2, 28, and 29 and no alterations shall be made which could cause the PFA to cease to be a charity in law. Alterations to the Constitution shall receive the assent of two thirds of the members present and voting at an A.G.M., or Special General Meeting.
The PFA may be dissolved by a resolution presented at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose. The resolution must have the assent of two thirds of those present and voting. Such resolutions may give instructions for the disposal of any assets remaining after satisfying debts and liabilities. These assets shall not be distributed among the members of the PFA, but will be given to the school for the benefit of the children of the school, or in the event of a school closure, to the school which the majority of the children of the closing school will go, in a manner which is exclusively charitable in law. If effect cannot be given to this provision then the assets can be given to some other charitable purpose.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Sorry My Mistake!

The Pony Club meet at the School and not the Leisure Centre.
Please make a note!
thank you

Friday, 28 January 2011

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Welcome to the PFA Blog

Here you can see what's happening, when the meetings are and what you can do to help.
Even if you don't have the time to volunteer maybe you have some fundraising ideas that you would like to share.
You can also sign up here to receive notifications through facebook, or make contact using the email address provided.
This term our main aim it to forge better communication, to try and get more people involved in the vital work that the PFA carry out..
Just one hour of your time can make such a difference.